What Makes People Happy – Insights from the World Happiness Report

the World Happiness Report
(C) Visual Capitalist


The World Happiness Report is an annual publication by the United Nations that aims to measure the levels of happiness in countries around the world. The report uses 6 variables to determine happiness levels, including social support, GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and corruption.

By examining these factors, the report provides valuable insights into what makes people happy. And we can think about how we can work towards increasing well-being for everyone.

What is World Happiness Report?

What determines happiness?

One of the most interesting findings of the report is the impact of social support on happiness. Having someone who cares for you when in need is a critical predictor of happiness.

the World Happiness Report-family

This highlights the importance of building strong relationships with friends, family, and community members. This could mean reaching out to someone who is going through a tough time or getting involved in extracurricular activities to build new connections.

Another key factor in happiness is GDP per capita. This measures how much each country produces divided by the number of people, and it is an indicator of economic prosperity. However, it is important to note that money alone does not guarantee happiness.

In fact, in countries like Bhutan, Gross National Happiness is a more important metric than GDP to measure national development. This highlights the importance of working towards a more equitable society where everyone has access to opportunities and resources.

the World Happiness Report-Bhutan

Generosity is another factor that contributes to happiness. The report found that countries with high levels of charitable giving tend to have higher levels of happiness and well-being. This is because giving to others can provide a sense of purpose and meaning, and it can also strengthen social connections.

Final Thoughts

The International Day of Happiness is celebrated around the world on March 20th. It was established by the UN to recognize happiness and well-being as universal goals.

international day of happiness
(C)Mirus Australia

The theme for International Day of Happiness 2023 is “Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Kind.” These themes are closely related to the factors that contribute to happiness as outlined in the World Happiness Report.

As we strive towards greater happiness and well-being, it is important to keep in mind the interconnectedness of our actions and how they impact not only ourselves, but also those around us.

“To find true happiness, we need to practice true love. True love means living for the sake of others, serving others, not being served.”

-from Mother of Peace Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon-

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