For Zero Hunger, what we can do to strengthen food security

The ‘Zero Hunger – Reinforcing Food Security’ class explains the concept and current situation of food security to students and introduces diverse efforts that have been made to resolve the food security crisis. We can also think of a variety of actions students can take to improve food security.    

The ‘Learn & Act’ training of the Sunhak Peace Prize is a training program that educates youth in middle school and older on diverse approaches to global peace issues. Learn & Act can be a learning space where all global citizens can learn and act on global peace issues. The Sunhak Peace Prize provides related training packages.

Sunhak Peace Prize
Teacher’s Guide
Zero Hunger
Sunhak Peace Prize
Student’s Worksheet
Zero Hunger

The details of each education are based on statistical data from international organizations including the United Nations. After referring to the class guide provided by us, teachers can teach students in the form of a presentation. Students can express their own diverse opinions while organizing class content by using the student activity sheet provided while participating in class.

There are still many people in the world who cannot eat properly.

Different situations around the globe

Why are there still hungry people? We will discuss why such a global food problem exists. Moreover, here are some resources that can educate you on what actions are required to address them!

What is food security?

Food security is a condition in which everyone has sufficient food to eat. Food security is one of the seven components of human security and is one of the most important basic human rights. It is essential for securing daily food and cultivating food crisis management capabilities in case of emergencies. This food security is also enshrined in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights!

Why is food security so important?

What is food security?


Historically, a stable supply of food has long been a challenge for mankind. Nevertheless, the primary industry, the agricultural sector, declined after the Industrial Revolution. Subsequently, the amount of farmland and manpower around the world has decreased due to the shift to the secondary and tertiary industries. Moreover, as the 4th industry develops, the foundation for food supply is weakening. Consequently, food self-sufficiency rates around the world continue to decline, threatening food security.

What is the current global food security situation?

It is estimated that 82 billion people worldwide suffer from hunger (UN 2018 report). This means that 1 in 9 people worldwide suffers from extreme hunger and malnutrition.

Yet how did the food crisis occur? (demand side)

What causes food crisis? (Demand)

In terms of demand, the cause of the food crisis is perceived as the most important factor in the world population growth. As the population increases, the demand for food is also augmenting, yet as the use of biofuels also increases, agricultural products grown for food are declining. Furthermore, as meat consumption increases, so does the demand for grain for fodder, reducing the amount of food available for human consumption.

How did the food crisis occur? (Supply side)

What causes food crisis? (Supply)

As the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air increases, diverse environmental pollution occurs. This situation frequently creates unsuitable conditions for farming. Moreover, agricultural production is decreasing due to extreme weather and water shortages. Even as the world’s largest grain companies monopolize food, people with limited economic power are vulnerable to fluctuations in crop prices.

How can we solve the food crisis?

The Rome Declaration on Global Food Security seeks to achieve food security for all, while simultaneously reducing the number of people suffering from malnutrition and starvation by 50%. Moreover, the UN SDGs have created 17 common goals to end poverty on the planet by 2030. These goals encompass eradicating poverty, responding to change in donations, ending hunger, and reducing inequality.

Scientific and technological efforts are being added to international organizations’ efforts to solve the food crisis.

The cultured meat industry, which is meat obtained by infinitely proliferating the muscle cells of meat, is currently under development. To add, we are making plant-based meat using the technology that uses tofu to make meat. We are also raising edible insects to prepare them as protein-rich future food.

Further to this, among the recipients of the Sunhak Peace Prize, there are heroes who worked diligently for food security in developing countries. You can also meet the wonderful story of Modadugu Gupta, a pioneer of the blue revolution, an alternative to the future food crisis, and Akinwumi Adesina, who promoted the development of Africa through agricultural innovation and good governance!

Grain prices soared two to three times due to the current rise in raw material prices along with the global food crisis in 2008. Moreover, India and China are experiencing a global food crisis as demand for grain increases and arable land is decreasing due to climate change.

It is now time to increase food self-sufficiency and strengthen food security to prepare for the global food crisis!

Thus far, we have introduced educational materials on the topic of ‘Zero Hunger – Strengthening Food Security’ prepared in ‘Learn & Act’ of the Sunhak Peace Prize and the situation of the global food crisis. We hope it will be of great help to those who wish to receive education on food security. We also hope that this will be a special opportunity for students to consider the challenges of food security!

#ZeroHunger #Foodsecurity

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