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Peace Issue

Climate Justice: Ensuring Equity in the Face of Global Crisis

Introduction What is climate justice and why do we need it? Every being on Earth is affected by climate breakdown. However, the level of impact is disproportionate. Climate justice emerged from the idea that those primarily responsible for climate change are the wealthy and powerful people; yet it impacts the poorest and most vulnerable. In

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Insights from the World Happiness Report

What Makes People Happy – Insights from the World Happiness Report

Introduction The World Happiness Report is an annual publication by the United Nations that aims to measure the levels of happiness in countries around the world. The report uses 6 variables to determine happiness levels, including social support, GDP per capita, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity, and corruption. By examining these

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Planetary Boundaries for Our Survival

Planetary Boundaries: Understanding the Nine Thresholds for Sustainable Human Development and Survival After the Industrial Revolution, excessive human use of natural resources has deteriorated the earth’s environment. Ever since, human activity has a profound impact on the Earth’s environment. Therefore, it is vital to respect certain thresholds to ensure sustainable development. The 9 Planetary Boundaries In

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